
Retopo MT for Blender 4.0.0+

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Retopo MT for Blender 4.0.0+

30 ratings

Retopo MT for Blender 4.0.0+ is a tool for retopo, you use it in addition with other addons or tools in Blender, in Edit Mode. 

You can use it with the BSurface addon. All settings from the BSurface add-on are saved.

Instructions :

Enter in Retopo MT mod : Ctrl + Shift + Alt + X (in Edit Mesh mode)

Add of polygons.  Button W and X set number of cuts.

B-surface style

* Enter edit mode, select vertex, enter retopo MT mode, press SPACE and draw line(s)

* You can also select points by pressing Ctrl + RMB (right mouse button) or hold down the C button and drag the mouse over the point. Deselection of vertices (Alt + C).

Polygon merging

* Use Shift and clic, the tool merge the vertex in the circle.

Contour style

* Presse SPACE and draw lines

* Activate the AutoMerge with U.

Added multi undo and redo:  Undo: Ctrl+Z | Redo: Shift+Z

Delete face: D 

* Point the desired face with the mouse and press the D button

Help: F1 (show all command)

Mirror: M (on / off)


Added a keymap setting (in addon preferences) for entering the retopology mode.

Added cancellation of the current action by the ESC button or the RMB (right mouse button).

Added application of the current action by the Enter button.

Removed mesh selection by pressing the LMB (left mouse button).


Added cursor display for auto-merge (blue).

Fixed the influence of the center of the mesh. Now the center of retopo does not have to be in the center of coordinates.

Added increase and decrease of cursors with [ ] and Shift + [ ] buttons.


Now, with an error, the addon will correctly exit retopology mode.

The selection on the C button now depends on the size of the brush.

Very important! Now the order in which vertices are selected is taken into account. Select the vertices exactly in the order in which you will draw the guide for the BSurface mode.


Correct work with hidden objects


Slightly increased speed.

Fixed selection and editing (merge) of invisible vertices (vertices on the other side of the object).

Vertex selection is excluded from the Undo system.

Added deselection of vertices (Alt + C).

v.3.0.0 (18-02-2024):

Updated script for Blender version 4.0.0+

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